25 April 2011

post script.

SB says the last post didn't do the last month at our house justice.  I don't really feel like doing it justice.  It sounds tiring.  Which translates to boring for the rest of the world to read about.  But it's not to say I didn't like doing the projects.  But you have to live a project not read about it.


I forgot to mention all of his projects.

I forgot to mention that any project I take on consumes me.  Like takes over my life as tornado sweeping through and destroys all other plans and any attempt of neatness and organization.

I forgot to mention playing with this sweet lady.  I try to donate as much time to her as I do to the bug and the dinosaurs.
Little Louski risking strangulation, playing with the yellow cord that led to the BOB recall.

I forgot to mention that details are (extremely) important to me.  So even if I'm not working on the projects, I'm thinking about them.  Every last detail of them.

I forgot to mention that I sometimes don't feel satisfied until all of those details are executed.

I forgot to mention a dozen other (smaller) things we had going on.

I know everyone has a lot going on.  I just imagine that most people find a better balance than I do.  And prioritize blogging more than me.   But I think about blogging a lot and think of all the fun pictures I could have taken, all of the funny (at least to me) stories I could have told.  But that's my goal.  To take fun pictures.  Tell funny stories.  And get a good balance so that projects don't consume me.  Having said that, I like a good project with well thought out details.  I just hope to blog about it more someday.

And herein lies my biggest problem of all.  Every journal entry I ever wrote.  Every mission letter sent home.  Every love letter to SB.  And now even this blog post:  all promissory notes of 'more to come later.'  

Any how.  More to come later.


  1. yes, it IS the details. And not only are you amazing at carrying out the details, but you have the insight to think of them in the first place. You are incredibly talented, you have the ability to create magical experiences for other people, and make them feel so loved and cared about, and you pull it off seemingly effortlessly. And even if it isn't effortless, you still DO it. That's just one reason why it's a privilege to be your friend. There's always more to come because you're always thinking of the next thing to do. Isn't that great? That means you will never be bored or stagnant. NOW. next project for you. Please, please, will you give my blog a makeover? love ya.

  2. I love you. If you're writing posts and taking pictures in your head then that should totally count, right? I know what you mean about projects. I always have a whole list of them. And you are SO impressive with all the details you do. I love that about you. Did I tell you I bought stuff to start my quiet book project? And did I tell you I finished my basement playroom and craftroom clean out/organization? We are just waiting for the mcnaughtans to come play and craft with us... there's plenty of space for all of us. Pretty please can we project it up sometime?


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