08 April 2011

my follow up report.

I've never hated spiders.  In fact, when I was little (don't think I'm the worst daughter ever when I tell you this) I LOVED to find spiders.  I would catch them in a wad of toilet paper and run around my house chasing my mom who was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs, calling me all sorts or nasty names, until she might have used a swear or two.  Which was the whole point.  Because she gave us a dollar for every curse word.  But then she added an addendum to that rule:  if we were the one who caused the four letter word we couldn't collect on it.  So I stopped chasing her with spiders.  And I finally grew up a little.

However, I DON'T like black widows.  Luckily I haven't seen any in the couple of weeks since my last post.  Which I am sorry I left up for so long.  Well I mean, blog posts just stay-- but I didn't mean to leave my 10 person audience hanging on such a downer for 2 weeks.  Life's been pretty great ever since.  And besides, as much as I really was emotional to Matt that day, I really did think it was pretty funny.  And for sure far from the worst thing that could be going on.

In fact-- not to bring up more downer business-- but in my world of taking care of kids with cancer and hearing of truly worst case scenarios, I'd like to think it's given me a little perspective.  I sure hope so.  So bring on black widows and bad cupcakes and flu and a surgery for my dad (who finally got home on Monday, hurray!) -- I'll take those things.  But stay away disorders and diseases and disabilities and death.  I know, I know-- people find blessings in those things all the time.  But I'm a little weak and rather deal with arachnids and the rotavirus for now.

On a similar note, a lot of things have had me thinking lately.  About different things I believe.  I had a friend come over who is worried she is never going to get married.  I took care of a patient who passed away within hours after I left (nobody saw it coming).  I got to enjoy all of conference weekend.  I had another friend come over who got me talking about religion and the things I believe.  So.  My next post might be full of a lot of opinions.  But I am writing a "THIS I BELIEVE STATEMENT" on Love and Marriage, on Faith and God, on Death and Dying and on Life. And perhaps other things as they come to mind.  Pretty deep, right?

In the meantime, enjoy these faces.  It's what I plan to do with the rest of my Friday.  



  1. Can't wait for your This I Believe statement. Yours sounds a bit more inspiring than my lame one. I love your blog and your beautiful children. Seriously the cutest little faces.

  2. Leslie I love your blog! It always makes me smile :)

  3. I, for one, noticed my friends all getting sick lately and figured it somehow traced back to your cupcakes. I'm excited for your next post!

  4. Oh those are the most beautiful faces! And oh why do they have to grow up so fast? I actually saw Jake in that first picture of George (or vice versa?) I love reading about you and your family!

  5. Great pictures! I love your kids. And I love every word that comes out of your mouth. Your blog makes me LAUGH OUT LOUD every time I click on it-- without fail! I love you, bff.

  6. YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY, YAY!!!! I've officially joined the Leslie blog. I'm so excited to spy on you...I've always loved reading your notes. I think I still have the 14 pager written by you in 8th grade. Just sayin'....you have some good words to share. Love you lots. Love those cute faces. Can see where they come from. Miss you tons, wish I could have seen you. Next time FOR SURE.


Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not going to lie, I like when you leave a comment.