23 January 2012

grandma mac mondays.

oh how I love my children.  

especially when someone else is babysitting them. 

i would hate it if they were raised in a day care. 

but an occasional monday away does a mom good. 

I just get to sit at home and love this:

while this:

 and this:

reek havoc in Heber.

My kids LOVE their grandparents.  We were playing family fued over Christmas break on the new Wii.  (Haven't played the Wii since, but still appreciate Santa trying to get us in the gaming world).  One of the questions was a survey about kids favorite places to go.  SB and I were shocked to not find grandma's house on the list.  And to be perfectly honest I don't know that it would have been on my top ten back in the day.  But as far as little Lou is concerned, Papa Oxy and Grandma Mac (both Grandmas are Grandma Mac to her, much to my mom's chagrin) might as well be Orlando Florida and the Magic Kingdom.  And as for the Bugman, the aquarium holds up stiff competition to his grandmas' houses, but that's about it.  In fact this morning I was kissing him goodbye as he was asleep on the couch (where he regularly sleeps) and half waking up, but with his eyes still closed he said "snuggle me mommy" to which I replied "Well Daddy is going to take you in just a minute to Grandma Mac's house."   His eyes POPPED open wide as did his mouth, followed by a huge grin.  Pretty priceless.  I wish I could get that kind of reaction out of him.  But I'll let someone else have it.  If they'll have him, too--  but just on an occasional Monday.

Back to the books, what I'm really supposed to be doing when they are away. 

But I wanted to check something off my list since my Organic Chemistry homework won't be coming off the to-do's today.  Blog post #2 in 2012.  Check.

1 comment:

  1. I love more posts on your blog! And amen about Grandma's house--favorite by far. I'm glad you're getting a break here and there. Can't wait to see you!


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