13 December 2012

12/13. Ode to lucky number 12.

I usually claim 32 (or any factor thereof) my lucky number. (thanks Karl the Mailman Malone) but Karl's best man John Stockton and I shared the same number in basketball. So I love that number too.

and yesterday was 12.12.12.  and yesterday I received an interview invitation from the U of U. I think only Hailey really gets how big this is for me. Even Matt seemed unusually 'eh' about the situation. And I know it's only half the battle, but without it I've got nothing. so 12 cubed turned out to be lucky just like I thought it might be.


  1. Yay for the U! I'm kinda jealous of your cool life. I hope the interview goes/went well!

  2. Anything that keeps you local is GREAT news in my opinion!!! YAY!!!


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