21 February 2011

"The Monster Truck Lally"

I will try to give a rundown of our Valentine's Day Events, which turned into our Valentine's Week events.  However, in the good chance that I don't get around to it, here is a one and a half minute re-cap of the Bug's Valentine's Day surprise... 
taking him to Monster Jam 2011,
 affectionately called "The Lally"

please tell me you love the chubby cheeks between the big wheel ear muffs.


  1. HAHAHAHAHA!! Love the video--poor George! Nobody should ever have to say goodbye to a monster truck rally, that's for sure.
    I envy your movie-making skills.
    And don't worry about Matt coming--it's just a lifestyle I've come to expect with Jon :)

  2. This is awesome!! I'm so impressed with you for not only getting pictures but VIDEO to boot! I love that you transcribed George's sad rage. So perfect. My favorite was the flashing all caps "THIS IS NOT RUDE!" Perfect. Perfect song choice. Perfect everything.

    Maybe he had a hard time cause he couldn't go in the first three "lally's" (post office, borders, etc.). I told Adam that and he laughed really hard.


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