24 February 2011

We Wear No Pants!

I have to be honest, we sing this song A. LOT. at our house.


 And this:

 Are the reasons why. 

It makes potty training and diaper changing easier.  Besides, the kids prefer it that way.  I'm fine with it.  (Not as fine with them always climbing on my kitchen table though).

SB & I were fans of a pants free society as little ones, too-- apparently:

On another note:
We went to FREE zoo day yesterday.  I love free.  Unfortunately I always use "free" to justify making some other purchase.  Poor economics, I know.  (And yes, I did buy something for the kids since I didn't have to pay for their entry-- and went out to lunch-- all on the 'free entry to the zoo' ticket.  Ended up costing more than the passes would have. Nevermind the fact that I wouldn't have gone to the zoo yesterday in the first place if it wasn't free. That's typical for me.  Don't worry, SB is very aware of my buying mathematics). 

And on the note of poor economics/purchases, we took the BOB stroller to the zoo, which is as much a baby of mine as the other two featured in the picture below.  I worked a handful of extra shifts to justify getting it.  Unfortunately my sister informed me yesterday that it was recalled.  I have no plans of not using it despite the recall.  That would be a waste of money.  (see the recall here)


  1. Hey I like this... I like your blog of course. Everybody knows I'm your biggest fan.

  2. I don't know why I think it's so funny that your stroller got recalled, but I'm like...crying. Probably because you set it up by describing it as one of your offspring. That scene from Saturday's Warrior is running through my head--the one where they're asking their parents who they would choose if they had to get rid of one of the kids, and the parents won't answer. I'm imagining you faced with a similar situation: "But if one of your kids had to be recalled, which one would you choose?" But really, I'm glad you're keeping it. Stick it to the man.

  3. first things first. i don't know why i couldn't comment on your blog before.
    second things second. i thought you were going to say that you and matt were fans of no pants... and it was making me laugh so hard. then i realized you meant when you were 3 and younger. which is fine.
    third. why do you call matt sb and being your bff and bcf i think i would've known this. do you know what i call nic? probably not. we never hang out. what are you guys doing in the next few weeks/weekends. come over. we'll come over there. whatever you want.
    fourth. i'm still obsessed with you in the ways i was when i was four. is that weird? i think so. but i made it. bff.

    love you.

  4. so sad we missed each other at the zoo.

    know what you mean about my "free" $4 hot dog spending.

    love the pictures of you and matt as kids.

  5. #1. i think child #2 (i can't remember their blog names??) is so adorable in that picture. you should do a silhouette of her before she loses her baby feaures.
    #2. child #1 is a perfect blend of you two. i never knew how much he looks like both of you as children!
    #3. I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT THE BOB RECALL until i read your post!! that's crazy! what do they expect you to do? just trash it?
    #4. your graphics or pictures or whatever you call that blog banner up there are so cute. and i love that you made it appropriate for march. you are ta-len-ted!!


Thanks for your thoughts. I'm not going to lie, I like when you leave a comment.