09 February 2011

a small crisis at the shanty

Alright, I know I have a whopping 5 followers and nothing cool posted to date.  Nevertheless I am hoping one of you out there will read this and know how to solve my problems.  Have any of you ever left your young children with your husband where they were only mildly attended to and the said children started rumaging under the bathroom sink and found your Del Sol bright blue "Superhero" fingernail polish and brought it out to the living room where you have cream colored carpets and then the kids proceeded to shatter the bottle and you ended up with polish everywhere? 

Did you ever find anything that removed the polish from your carpet? 

Will you share your secrets?...

In the meantime, I'm curious to see if the hyper-color Del Sol polish decorating my living room changes color in the sun tomorrow.  I'll keep you posted.


  1. sad to say my daughter got her BRIGHT pink nail polish all over the wall, a door and my coffee table, but everything I tried wanted to just take the paint off, I wish I had a good way to get it out. SORRY and good luck!

  2. Don't teach Jacee that trick!!!

  3. Hoooo boy. That's a pickle. If that happened in my house, hubs would be in a heap of trouble. But that's the thing with SB, you just can't stay mad at a guy like that. Especially when he leaves you smart water as a surprise!! Meanwhile, what I'd really like to say is, i really like that blue color. Any left? If so, I'd like to paint my nails next time I come over. Pretty please?

  4. My mom said there is some tape remover/alcohol wipes at the hospital that should take it out.

  5. If nail polish remover doesn't work. Try wetting the spots with warm water, then spray with hairspray and scrub, blot with a paper towel and repeat this process as needed...Just make sure you keep it wet as you go...and be patient. (I got red nail polish on white clothing...used the hairspray method and it came out leaving no signs it was ever there.)

    Hope this is of some help!

  6. spot shot? I live by that stuff...

    I know you didn't allow comments on your love notes, but wow they made me tear up. So sweet. So perfect. So fun to see the inside of your sweet mother heart like that.


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